

Refractory , Thermal insulation
& API 936

Certificates in ISO 9001, OSHAS 18001 y RUC.

We are pleased to introduce our company REFRATHERMAL RTH S.A.S

REFRATHERMAL RTH S.A.S, which was founded in 1991. RTH USA was established as a result of the need for expansion due to the upcoming local and external growth of market, to face new challenges and goals established by management.

RTH is dedicated to API 936 inspections and quality control for refractory installations, construction, mounting, design, supply and repair of refractory and thermal insulation on boilers, kilns, chimneys, etc in every kind of industries as Cement, petrochemicals, refineries, glass and others, maintaining same philosophy, solid bases and group of professionals with engineers with more than 20 years of experience in this area and other professionals committed to meet the new requirements on quality, health and safety required on today’s world.


  • Supervision,    inspection    and    quality    control    assurance    for    Refractory Installation thru API 936 certified inspectors.
  • Refractory Brick installation and construction.
  • Refractory shotcrete and gunning installation.
  • Casting refractory installation
  • Hot and cold Thermal insulation
  • Refractory dry outs and heat ups.
  • Scaffolding.


Quality assurance for each of the services provided to our valued clients


Remain established as a leading company in the supply and installation of thermal and refractory insulation across LATAM

Corporate Goals

Strengthening ties with our stakeholders with a view to fostering the harmonious development of society


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The company holds ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, and RUC certifications

Refractory, Thermal Insulation and Dry Outs Engineering


Over 25 years of experience providing solutions to the industry

Oil & Gas

Ecopetrol,Pemex(México), Enap(Chile), Ancap(Uruguay)


Argos, Cemex, Holcim, Ultracem, Cementos Tequendama, Cementos San Marcos, Lhoist, Cementos Cibao, cementos Panam


Orbia(Mexichem), TA Alliance, Cyplus Idesa,Esenttia.

Other Industries

Amsty, Vidrio Andino,Atunes de Colombia Seatch, Syngenta, Gyplac, Biofilm, Corteva, Monomeros

International Presence

Our main headquarters are located in Cartagena, Colombia, but our operations extend throughout Colombia, as well as Latin America, North America, and Europe. We have a team of highly qualified professionals, including civil, chemical, and industrial engineers, who apply these technologies to meet our clients’ needs. We are the first company in Colombia certified in refractory activities under ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001, and RUC standards


Oficina principal

Urbanizacion Bellavista Mz F, # 2-34.
Cartagena, Colombia.
+ 57 3205401657




Nuestra especialidad

Somos una empresa Colombiana certificada en ISO 9001, OSHAS 18001 y RUC, dedicada al diseño, suministro y montaje de refractarios y aislamientos térmicos.